Uh oh! St Clair Water Level Projected Highs May Break Record
It’s been since 1986 that we’ve seen Lake St. Clair water levels hit this mark. Although not a complete surprise, current projections are far above what they were over the course of the winter.
In this snip you can clearly see that the expected projection is above the previous record high for May
It will be a boon to navigation. Aside from the typical, early season floating debris, many low water dangers to boating will cease to be a factor. For the anglers, shallow bays and backwaters that have not been accessible, can now be fished like they were back in the 80’s.
A real-life downside will be the impact on shoreline residents. In an east wind, the sandbags are already coming out and pumps are running. With a rapid rise yet to come, we should begin to hear regular media reporting on the impact of the Lake encroaching on, and damaging properties

This photo taken around Selfridge on a day with east winds. Higher levels to come.
Below you can see the trend over the last three years:

From the US Army Corps of Engineers
Aside from increase access to shallow fishing spots, anglers should not be significantly affected. It’s possible that some bass spawning zones may move a bit closer to shore. For the most part, bass seem to prefer the bottom content over depth, so expect many spawning zones to be close to their traditional locations.
Click here to go to the US Army Corps of Engineers website on Great Lakes Water Levels
Category: Bass, Feature, Fishing, Local, Water Levels