Lake St. Clair Bass Fishing Report 04-26-2017

24203 W McNichols Rd, Detroit, MI 48219 (877) 535-3950
We have not gotten a break with the weather lately, so we have to take what the Lake gives us. Persistent east winds will continue to be featured through the weekend, and next week.
Water temperature at the Mile Roads was 57 degrees
Many thanks goes out to Neil Heisler who put in the call to see if we could go this day. We were only out for about four hours but fished hard the entire time. If you need your transmission looked after, I recommend his shop at 6 Mile and Telegraph. Independent Transmission, (877)535-3950.
Water quality was fair, but that isn’t a bad thing this time of the season. You will see that we made the best of it this time with a big smallie pulled out of the dirtiest water around.
A pattern that worked at another spot was to bounce a 4″ Sweet Green tube off of the rocks in about five feet of water. We located a little hot zone that produced.
The winning pattern for the day was to crank a Bandit (maybe Bomber) crankbait in 8 feet of water. I would crank the deep diver down quickly then barely crank it to keep it a few feet off of the bottom. I like both of those brands because they have a low-frequency rattle. In the early season, I use this pattern every year.
There weren’t many boats out in spite of air temps promised in the mid to high 70’s. It didn’t feel that way though. After an early burst of warmth from the sun, light clouds took over, and things cooled off.
If you watched the video, the box in the back of the truck is from a cell phone holder that you can mount with a clip. It was missing a vital part (only used it once) so I got frustrated with it, and tossed it.
One point that I couldn’t include in the video was how the big fish was handled, next to the boat. You can hear me click the thumb bar on the bait caster to let as much line out as the bass needed. I put my thumb on the spool to keep the line just tight enough. If I have a baitcaster in that situation, I never rely on the drag.
When on the water I pumped the length and girth into a calculator on the Internet. It spit out 7.35 lbs. (Bass Resource). Later on, I checked on a few others and here is the range of weights they gave me:
I’m confident that this bass was at 6 pounds or better.
I do thank God for the catch. With all the years that I put in on the water, I can say that most of the time, I am doing everything right. It’s not every day that things work out like this, so this catch is a real blessing to me that carries meaning.
There was a night when the Apostles went fishing and by morning, they had caught nothing. In John 21: 4-6 it says:
4 Just as day was breaking, Jesus stood on the shore; yet the disciples did not know that it was Jesus. 5 Jesus said to them, “Children, do you have any fish?” They answered him, “No.” 6 He said to them, “Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and you will find some.” So they cast it, and now they were not able to haul it in, because of the quantity of fish.
We can do everything we know to do in life to make things work out…It’s the presence of Jesus that makes the eternal difference.
Category: Bass Lake/River Reports, Feature, Uncategorized