Lake St Clair Water Levels Forecast Adjusted Downward April 2018
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has reduced the projected seasonal water level increase in the newly released report on April 6. In spite of the unseasonably high water levels that we see on Lake St. Clair, the forecast is not showing any potential for record levels in 2018.

Lake Superior Forecast March 2018

Lake Superior Forecast April 2018
In 2017 the water levels were exceeding the forecast for nearly the first half of the year. Although the water levels have been seasonally high in 2018, the forecast was for levels similar to 2017, with the potential for them to be higher yet. If the rate of increase in 2018 matched that of 2017, we would be in for near record levels. As it is, the forecast is tracking with the median projections, and we may end up with slightly lower levels than last year.
You can see the adjustment very clearly by showing the water level projections for Lake Superior in March and April.
For Lake St. Clair shoreline residents this is good news. For anglers on Lake St. Clair, the adjustment will most likely have little impact on fishing. At any rate, the generally higher water will make for safer navigation.
Keep up-to-date with the Great Lakes water levels by clicking on St Clair Water Levels at the top of the St. Clair report site. You can also visit the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Great Lakes section of their website at:
The report is updated on the 5th or 6th of each month.
Category: Feature, Water Levels