No Big Drop in Lake St. Clair Water Levels

February Projections
February was the month for a traditional dip in the water levels on Lake St. Clair yet it never came. As it turns out, the original projection listed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is holding as we go forward into March.
This is most likely the best indicator that water levels will stay closer to what we experienced last season and not be taking a plunge anytime soon. If you look to the excerpt of the chart (to the right), the historical average (blue line) shows us the average for the water level trends on Lake St. Clair. You can see a big drop in the blue line. At the same time, the projection (green line) shows the levels holding steady. On the March report (below), the actual levels (red line) shows only a slightly perceptible drop in the actual levels. Up until this point, the red line is confirming what the Corps of Engineers is projecting (green line).
We are now into the traditional upswing in the water levels, and If this trend continues to hold, our water levels should come very close to what we had last season.
This helps us to begin to formulate our strategies for the 2016 season. At the very least we can line up spots that are now underwater to see if the smallies have returned to some of their old haunts. A stable trend like this can also make some generalizations about bass location between what we saw last year, and what to expect for this one.
Category: Feature, Water Levels