Lake St Clair Metropark Boat Launch Closed May 22

| May 23, 2020

5/22/2020 – We received notice about an incident occurring in Harrison Township near Lake St. Clair Metropark that may impact water quality. Therefore, out of an abundance of caution for public health we ARE NOT permitting swimming, wading or boat launching at Lake St. Clair Metropark until further water quality tests can be completed. As soon as we are able to complete further testing and receive satisfactory results, we will reopen swimming and boat launching, but we do not have any estimates on how long that might be.
From website:

Metroparks Covid-19 Precautions

For more information about launch alternatives go to:

Lake St Clair US Boat Launch Update May 2020

A special thank you goes out to Ranger Chris for the alert on this, early Saturday morning! Didn’t see any news on it before he checked in.

Don’t forget to stop in at Sportsmens Direct on your way out to pick up some smallmouth loving Xtreme Bass Tackle™ tubes!


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Category: Fishing, Launches, Local

About the Author ()

Wayne Carpenter is the owner of Xtreme Bass Tackle and Combat Fishing, and author of No Secrets on Lake St. Clair.

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